MIM MLA Akbaruddin Owaisi has filed a petition before Andhra Pradesh High Court and prayed the court that it should order the police to refrain police from arresting him besides directing them to quash cases filed against him. It is known that Akbaruddin was booked for hate speech that he gave at Nirmal town of Nizamabad district in the last week of December. While the counsels of Akbaruddin have today appeared before Nirmal police and sought time till four days for personal appearance of Akbaruddin Owaisi, the latter approached the court directly and filed the petition over the cases filed against him.
On the other hand, MIM supremo Asaduddin Owaisi has alleged that the government was indulging in a conspiracy for creating disturbances in Hyderabad. He further said that he took the alleged plan of the government before the Director General of Police, Dinesh Reddy. Also, Mr Asaduddin has said that he would reveal the alleged conspiracy of the government in the last week of January.
(AW Phani)