Even after Delhi rape incident and continuous uproar against attacks on women, cases of rape attempts and eve teasing are still hitting the headlines. A similar incident took place in Hyderabad again. In fact, this is not the first time this year that such incident took place. A couple of days back an auto driver along with the support of his friends tried to abduct a woman near Jubilee Hills. The woman, however, managed to spray something in their eyes and jumped out of the auto.
While that incident has almost sent shock waves among women in the city, another case has entered the news. Today, a woman was allegedly followed and stalked by a cab driver in Raidurgam area (near Hitech city) when the victim was on a morning walk. Since the cab driver crossed the limits, she yelled out that made locals nab him and thrash him before he was handed over to the police.
The police registered the case and enquiry was going on as to why the accused was trying to stalk her. Unless stringent punishment is awarded to such road side romeos, such incidents will apparently take place. One should literally wet his pants before he thinks to approach a woman/girl!
(AW Phani)