Uber cab driver has been arrested for allegedly raping Delhi woman on Friday night, where he was arrested in Mathura on Sunday. Delhi Police is likely to take him to court on Monday and once granted. 32-year-old taxi driver Shiv Kumar Yadav worked for Uber Taxi, a mobile app-based ride-sharing service says a Delhi senior police officer in a statement.
Shiv Kumar Yadav was found guilty of sexually assaulting and raping the 27-year-old woman, who works for a MNC in Gurgaon. Meanwhile, the victim was hired the cab using the Uber mobile app from Vasant Vihar on Friday night, where she was asked the driver to drop her home in north Delhi's Inderlok area.
On the way, when she found the car doors were locked and she was raped by the Car driver.
According to sources, Police has registered a case at Sarai Rohilla Police Station under Sections 376 (rape), 323 (voluntarily causing hurt) and 506 (criminal intimidation) of IPC. However, the accused person have been involved in a rape case in 2011, as he spent around 7 months in jail earlier in a rape case in Mehrauli and was out on bail.
- Simha Raju