Central minister Chiranjeevi has come forward and extended his support to Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt. It is known that the entire media in the country wants Sanjay Dutt to get mercy as he suffered a lot and now Chiranjeevi too joined that league. He has said that Sanjay Dutt has suffered a lot and he should be given mercy. He even said that he would pray for Sanjay Dutt. Also, Chiranjeevi mentioned Sanjay Dutt as a repenting person and said he was a good person at heart.
It is known that Sanjay Dutt got five years of imprisonment in connection with illegal possession of arms during 1993 bomb blasts that rocked Bombay. Since he was then arrested under defunct TADA law and kept under judicial custody for one-and-half years in jail, he would be required to serve another three-and-half years in the prison.
Earlier, Sanjay Dutt held a press meet and said he love India and his country men. The emotional Sanjay Dutt said he didn't request for a mercy and he respects judiciary. Also, he broke down before the press persons that made many others come forward in support of him.
Even if Sanjay Dutt doesn't get mercy, it shouldn't matter to him as he's not only respecting the law and repenting for what he has won many hearts for his changed life style.
(AW Phani)