Telugu Desam party President Chandra Babu Naidu and BJP's PM Candidate Narendra Modi are going to share a dais today.
A meeting of 'Citizens of Accountable Governance' is going to be conducted at Thyagaraju Sports Complex, Delhi today in which Chandra Babu Naidu will deliver opening speech. The meeting will be attended by Narendra Modi who is going to give the concluding speech.
A number of points of National concern will be taken up in the meeting. It in fact will be an interaction with the youth as arranged by the NGO ‘Citizens of Accountable Governance’. To avoid speculations on the meeting of TDP President and BJP’s PM candidate, BJP clarified that the event is only to get ideas from youth by Narendra Modi. They said that no politics will be discussed in the meeting.
Chandra Babu Naidu who reached Delhi to attend the meeting said media persons that Rahul Gandhi should not resort to cheap tricks for the sake of getting power. He said that Rahul must apologize for his behavior.