Thanking Sonia Gandhi first for giving Telangana to the people of the region, the Telangana Rashtra Samiti President K Chandrasekhara Rao said at Telangana Bhawan at Hyderabad that a Telangana Vision Document is being prepared under the leadership of K Keshava Rao. He said that Mandal level training centers will be held from 10th November.
KCR said that he asked the Government not to put any conditions on the capital city of Hyderabad while carving out Telangana from Andhra Pradesh. He also said that a report will be given to GoM by the group of leaders under the leadership K Keshava Rao.
About the merger of the TRS in Congress party, KCR said that the issue will be decided after the bifurcation is complete.
KCR is also said that 5 batches are going to the flood hit areas along with a group of doctors. He said that many donors came forward to extend financial help. He is also making a report of the loss in the Telangana region due to heavy rains which will be submitted to the Government for its action.