Minister Sridhar Babu who has been removed from Assembly Affair portfolio has resigned to his post last night. Apparently Sridhar held discussions with his close associates and party workers yesterday, took the decision and with the help of personal secretary he has sent his resignation to CM Kiran Kumar Reddy. Congress AP incharge Digvijay Singh and AICC Secretary Ramchandra Khuntia tried to pacify Sridhar but all the attempts went in vain.
According to the close sources of Sridhar Babu, he was not happy the way he was removed from the portfolio and he expected a prior information before changing his ministry. Also Sridhar felt insult for not consulting him and even after changing his portfolio, CM Kiran did not call upon Sridhar to give a proper explanation.
After sending resignation, new Assembly Affairs minister Sailajanath, Kondru Murali, Balaraju met Sridhar Babu. He expressed his displeasure with them.
(AW: Vamshi Tunga)