YSR Congress Party Chief and Kadapa MP Jagan Mohan Reddy has said his party would extend support to Narendra Modi if the main opposition BJP stalls the bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh in the Parliament. Staging a protest at Jantar Mantar against the creation of Telangana, Jagan made this statement.
“The democracy in Andhra Pradesh in getting murdered and also demand for lift over suspension on the MPs over the tragic incident. All of Andhra Pradesh's problems have been created for the sake of making Rahul Gandhi PM,” added Jagan. He termed INC as Italian National Congress.
Don't know whether Jagan is seriously looking to support BJP or not but this strategy would upset the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) as there are willing for an alliance with BJP in the coming general elections. Also Jagan's decision might upset the minorities in his party and may exist the party if it turns reality.
(AW: Vamshi)