After the bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh, Seemandhra was agitating, during this time Pawan Kalyan met me. His words have touched me, said BJP's Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi at Nizamabad meeting. Modi also said that Telangana was achieved with the sacrifice of students not because of any political party.
“This elections are crucial for Telangana since it is going to be a separate state and the development of this region is very crucial. People should think before voting as which ever party comes into power should be able to solve the problems of the people rather than their family's,” said Modi.
Criticizing the Congress party, Modi said, “Congress always insulted and humiliated Telangana and leaders of this region. Rajiv Gandhi insulted former Andhra Pradesh chief minister Anjaiah while Sonia Gandhi humiliated former Prime Minister later PV Narasimha Rao. Congress could not arrange his funerals in Delhi or in Hyderabad and this shows how it respects the people of Telangana.”
Praising Pawan Kalyan, “he is man with heart. Pawan's love for country has moved me,” added Modi. He also promised that if BJP forms government in the national level, it would solve each and every problem of Telangana.
(AW: Vamshi)