KC Sivaramakrishanan Committee has said that it has so far received over 6,000 proposal for the new capital of Andhra Pradesh. The committee members have visited Tirupathi today and speaking to the media, they said the report for the new capital city will submitted to the Union government by August ending.
One of the committee member said capital city should connect to every city of the state and have all the facilities. “We are searching for a suitable place that has better connectivity and specially people should accept the city in all terms. The focus of the capital will be on infrastructure and availability of resources. The committee will only submit recommendations and government will take a final call on the new capital,” said one of the member.
Responding on demand for establishing capital in Rayalaseema region, they said, “Rayalaseema is very backward. Agriculture should be top priority in Rayalaseema and Tirupathi can be turned to an IT hub.” While on the other side, the committee members who toured Kurnool and Ananthapur yesterday received a strange proposal. Ananthapur TDP leaders demanded to declare Ananthapur as the second capital for Andhra Pradesh. Minister Paritala Sunitha met Sivaramakrishnan committee members yesterday and submitted a report in which she state that the district was ignored time and again by the previous governments. She also opined that if capital city is placed in Rayalaseema, development of Ananthapur will have scope.
Overall the committee is doing hectic work for the past few days and gathering as much information as it can.
(AW: Vamshi)