The above comments are made by Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao and Andhra Pradesh Finance Minister Yanamala Ramakrishnudu. Firstly, KCR has said that there is nothing new in the budget and allocations made to Telangana are zero. The Horticulture University proposed was there in the Andhra Pradesh bifurcation bill. We are not at all happy and disappointed with the budget.
While Yanamala commented that the allotments made to AP are not enough. “For the reconstruction of AP, there allocations are not enough but it is a budget made for affordability as the entire system is completely in crisis. We will make utilize of the allotments made by the Union government and hope for more in the next budget,” said Yanamala. Telugu Desam MPs are okay with budget and welcomed it. They opined that the Industrial Corridor between Visakhapatnam and Chennai will boost the growth of Andhra Pradesh.
The opposition party of AP, YSR Congress party went on soft stand on the budget. YSRCP MPs said they are neither happy nor disappointed with the budget. “This is the first budget of the NDA government and we can't blame the ruling party so early. AP's share in the budget is not upto the mark however, the ruling government in the state should make most use of the budget. Alloting Rs 8 lakh crores for Agriculture sector is appreciated,” added Butta Renuka.
(AW: Vamshi)