In a twist to the mysterious death of Sunanda Pushkar Tharoor [wife of Shashi Tharoor], the latest post mortem report submitted to AIIMS reveal that her cause of death occurred by "poisoning". The reports also stated that Sunanda was not suffering from any ailments and that she was healthy and had no disease of heart, kidney, liver or lung as claimed by her husband.
The Delhi Police who did not file any FIR in this case, will now have to register it and launch an investigation to chase the mystery. However, the report said Sunand could not have died because of overdose of a drug and could not specify the nature of death giving way for more speculations.
Sunanda Tharoor was found dead in a five star hotel in Delhi on January 17 and the initial reports claimed that she was suffering with Lupus [a chronic inflammatory disease]. And her death occurred when had been in a verbal war with a Pakistani journalist for allegedly having an affair with husband Shashi Tharoor.
(AW: Vamshi)