A huge blow to Andhra Pradesh Congress party, as reports suggest that former minister Kanna Lakshminarayana has joined Bharatiya Janata Party [BJP] in the presence of national president Amit Shah. This is a shocking development in AP Congress party and the leaders remained unavailable to comment on this. Kanna has been away from Congress party activities since a while but never his fellow Congressmen expected this move.
Post the bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh, many leaders left Congress party like Kavuri, Rayapati and now it is Kanna. This is also an interesting change from Kanna as he joined BJP which is an ally of TDP. The rivalry between Rayapati [TDP MP] and Kanna is long pending issue and so many insiders say that Kanna wantedly preferred BJP instead of TDP. This will act like an advantage to BJP which is looking to build the party in Seemandhra region and Kanna can play a key role who has the support of his community.
(AW: Vamshi)