Telangana chief minister K Chandrasekhar Rao's Gajwel constituency has been granted Rs 50 crores funds for the development and accordingly orders were passed yesterday from the Panchayati department. Very recently, KCR paid a visit to Gajwel constituency and made a note of issues that were troubling the constituency. The Telangana CM also promised the local people that he would look after the developmental process.
After holding a review meeting, KCR sanctioned Rs 50 crores towards the constituency. The main focus is on the infrastructure of the constituency. The funds are also allocated as per the requirement, each mandal in Gajwel constituency would get Rs 50 lakhs, each Panchayati would get Rs 25 lakhs while each village would get Rs 10 lakhs. The orders also said, funds allocated should be spent entirely and report to the concern department.
Earlier Telangana CM has established a developmental authority for Gajwel constituency and it is involved in noting down the issues.