The Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Akhilesh Yadav, met the governor of Uttar Pradesh Ram Naik amid the ongoing feud in the ruling party of UP, Samajwadi Party.
The CM’s sudden visit to the Raj Bhawan came from the middle of the meeting with party legislators and seniors for finalizing details of his proposed ‘Rath Yatra’ from November 3.
Although for many it was a surprise, according to many others, the appointment was already been sought.
According to the media sources, the Chief Minister briefed the Governor about the prevailing situations in the state. Reports said the meeting might have took place in connection with the vacancies in the ministry after the removal of Shivpal Yadav, Akhilesh’s uncle, Om Prakash Singh, Narad Rai, Sayeda Shadab Fatima on Sunday.
According to Yadav’s office he had went to meet the Governor to wish him for Diwali. However, Akhilesh Yadav left the Raj Bhawan without speaking to the reporters.
By Prajakt