Indian Prime Minister who generally prefers social media to convey messages to the country thanked the people of the country for supporting and believing BJP. The results of the Assembly elections in five states have been out today and BJP received unanimous majority in UP and Uttarakhand. Modi took twitter to thank each and everyone who made this possible.
He posted “I thank people of Punjab for giving @Akali_Dal_ & @BJP4Punjab the opportunity to serve for 10 years & for the support we got in these polls. Am overjoyed that BJP has received unprecedented support from all sections of society. Huge support from the youth is gladdening. I salute the hardwork of BJP Karyakartas. They have tirelessly worked hard at the grassroots level & won the confidence of the people. Congratulations to @AmitShah, party office bearers & state units for their exemplary work in taking the party to new heights”.