NIMS Getting Ready For Coronavirus Vaccine Trials:- The Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences (NIMS) is all set to begin the first stage of human trials for the coronavirus vaccine. Two selected candidates are under isolation and are kept under observation. The authorities of NIMS took special care of them and made sure that they are kept in safe and healthy conditions. The authorities of NIMS said that 20 volunteers themselves expressed interest through phone calls and emails for the human trials. NIMS happened to be one among the 12 approved centers across the country that are carrying out the human trials for the coronavirus vaccine.
Two youngsters from Hyderabad are selected and their health samples are sent for verification to Delhi. Once the final approval comes, the vaccine dose will be given for both these volunteers. The vaccine is expected to reach NIMS today. The volunteers would be under observation for some time once the vaccine is given. NIMS may be the first center in the country to give the dose of coronavirus to a person. The volunteers will be given two types of doses: placebo dose and theactive dose.
They would be under observation for 24 hours once the dose is given. The negative reactions in these patients would be observed. If there are no negative reactions, these doses will be given to the next set of volunteers. The results of the first level of human trials will be known in ten days from now said the authorities of NIMS.