Maha Shiva Rathri will be celebrated across the globe tomorrow. On the eve of this festival-which signifies the evolution of lingam and marriage of Shiva Parvathi-a large number of devotees observe a strict fast on the entire day and perform abhishekams on Shiva lingam with water, milk, ghee, honey, sugar and panchamrut. After leaving the fast in the evening hours, devotees take just fruits and remain awake the entire night chanting the name of Lord Shiva.
The legend has it that when Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma were arguing as to who was supreme amongst them, Lord Shiva took the form of linga, whose bottom or top could not be ascertained by anyone. Also, it's been believed that Lord Shiva marries Goddess Parvathi on this night. Staying awake on this night is said to be meritorious to the devotees who seek spiritual growth.
Shiva Purana, the holy text so says that anyone who performs abhishekams on Shiva lingam on Maha Shiva Ratri yields good results. Six types of dravyas (fluids) are used for abhishekam. Those using these fluids for abshisheka will be blesses with unique qualities such as:
- Honey-sweet speech
- Sugar-happiness
- Ghee-victory
- Water-for purity
- Milk-pious life
- Yogurt-prosperous life
Many puranas tell us that people who do abhishekam to Shiva lingams and place bilwa leaves on lingam even without one's knowledge have attained salvation. Therefore, Shiva Rathri is so important to all those who follow Sanathana Dharma. Andhra Wishesh wishesh you a Happy Maha Shiva Rathri.
(AW Phani)