A serious problem indeed...
Fact-fully, more than two-thirds of parents feel that their kids’ childhood gets hampered before they become teenagers which as been revealed by a new survey.
According to the study, children are so worried about sex, popularity and their looks as a result they are losing their innocence by the age of 12 while 16 percent said that their child’s innocence was lost by the age of 10, having many who are blaming the internet and celebrities.
Furthermore, the research intended for parenting website Netmums, also found a quarter of parents feel their children become interested in sex before they are even matured enough to understand it.
Social media blamed...
Social media is told to be another influential source having with half of girls aged seven to 13 expressing about how many friends they have on Facebook. As a reason, nearly half of parents with daughters that age say they are body conscious and feel under “immense pressure” to be thin while half of parents said that their son is under pressure to believe appearance is the most important thing about someone.
According to Netmums co-founder Siobhan Freegard, it’s shocking childhood now ends by 12 years old and that the pace of modern life is grabbing away precious years of childhood while they should be playing for the ultimate joy of it without worrying about the factors like their look or even their popularity.
We must remember...
The fact that a child starts learning from his/ her home therefore we must give them the best guidance, education and care while they start growing or when stay at home, so that they go with the same thought and mindset (what they see and learn at home) while they face the outside world. We cannot have control over the outside world or even guide each one of them but at least we can start from our home.....rather than blaming others!
After all, a Blissful childhood never comes back!
(AW:Samrat Biswas)