PCC chief Botsa Satyanarayana has got a call from Congress high command to come to Delhi. This call is in the wake of the CBI filing its chargesheet against home minister Sabitha Indra Reddy. The sources said that since Jaganmohan Reddy (AI) in this case is anti-Congress and Sabitha (A4) in the same case is from Congress, Congress high command was apparently suspicious whether Sabitha Indra Reddy was acting as a covert to YSR family. It is known that YSR was close to Sabitha Indra Reddy and treated her as his own sister. He has even given the name Chevella Chellemma. Sources even speculated that Congress high command is going to even question Botsa Satyanarayana whether she can be loyal to Congress party if she's allowed to continue in Congress.
Congress high command is presumably worried about Congress workers' names hitting headlines in connection with Jaganmohan Reddy's illegal assets case. Over the same, it was reported that AICC in charge of AP affairs, Gulam Nabi Azad telephoned chief minister Kiran Kumar and enquired about the chargesheet of the CBI.
On the other hand, opposition parties are continuing to take on Congress party for allowing Sabitha Indra Reddy to continue as home minister. Chief minister Kiran Kumar reportedly came under heavy criticism for not letting Sabitha step down from the post. Is Congress high command going to question Kiran on the same? Congress high command might not interfere in the governance of the state but will remain silent when the party's roots shake?
(AW Phani)