Telangana Pushed Rahul's Pet Bills To Corner

March 01, 2014 14:45
Telangana Pushed Rahul's Pet Bills To Corner

There are six populist bills proposed by Rahul Gandhi against corruption in the country.  Passing of those bills will certainly gain goodwill to the party and to Rahul Gandhi who is unannounced Prime Ministerial candidate of Congress Party.  

The Congress President Sonia Gandhi also insisted that the bills be introduced after Interim Budget and much pressure creating Telangana Bill.  As all forces were to be applied on getting Telangana Bill in Loksabha and Rajyasabha, Rahul’s pet bills were postponed till last moment.  After commotion in Loksabha and Rajyasabha, the Telangana bill was finally passed on the last of Rajyasabha and there was hardly any time left for introducing those 6 bills or Rahul Gandhi.  

Then the Union Cabinet meeting in which ordinances could be passed was again occupied with the discussion on Chief Minister’s resignation over Telangana bill passed and a decision to be taken between forming a Government in AP with another chief minister or to opt for the President rule in the state.  

Now with a short time left before the announcement of general elections Union Cabinet ministers are in the opinion that the anti corruptions bills cannot be taken up now as sufficient time is not left to get them passed by the President.  And Rashtrapati Bhawan is also wants the bills be legally scrutinized before passing so that no legal complications will surface later.  


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