A 12th standard Indian student has built a waterproof shoe which charges mobile devices while walking. The student is identified as Rajesh Adhikari from Nainital and this guy got the idea with extreme power cuts in his city.
When a person walks, the shoe take the advantage of energy generated and charges the phone. Rajesh explaining in detail about his chargeable shoe said, “ When we raise our feet, the spring gets released and the dynamo starts revolving, which generates current. We can charge our mobile phones while we are walking.”
In addition to this the shoe can also used for lighting a bulb by placing battery in the shoe. Rajesh is currently working on wireless shoe for charging the phone. “Nainital is a place where one can witness heavy snow fall and power cuts. So I built this charging shoe for communication purpose in case of any emergency,” said Rajesh.
Hope Rajesh comes out with the wireless shoe charger soon.
(AW: Vamshi)