Aam Aadmi Party's Kumar Vishwas shot to fame for contesting against Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi in the recently concluded Lok Sabha elections from Amethi. Despite, the loss, Kumar Vishwas is in full demand while his party is struggling at the political stage.
Kumar Vishwas has been offered to take part in reality show Bigg Boss and tendered a fancy price of Rupees 5 crores. Popular production company and maker of Bigg Boss, Endemol has reportedly approached Kumar Vishwas and poet turned politician has confirmed this. However Vishwas did not share much information and also did not confirm whether he will take part in the reality show or not.
The popular poet is making debut in Film industry who has penned a song and Legendary Singer Asha Bhonsle will lend her voice for this song. Apart from this, Vishwas will be going to Stanford University to lecture on the topic 'Changing mood of Asian political upbringings' and also to Google headquarters, California to talk about leadership on July 29.
Bigg Boss is scheduled to be aired in the month of September.
(AW: Vamshi)