Hollywood superstar Arnold Schwarzenegger revealed one of his wish and it is to act in Shankar's direction. The Terminator hero was in India for the audio release of director Shankar's 'Ai' and spoke to a leading news channel. Arnold also praised Shankar for his direction skills and creative thoughts. “Shankar is a genius in visual effects and in directing actors. Whenever I work with creative directors my movies are successful. The key thing is, when it is a good creative director who has a great vision, the film is successful and director Shankar has it,” added Arnold.
The former governor of California is happy to get back to the entertainment field and hoped that the fifth edition of the Terminator series will impress the audience. “We have just finished filming for Terminator 5 and it will be out in next July. The film is so important as it gave me a boost to my career. In a way I'm back to the entertainment after my political career,” he said.
(AW: Vamshi)