Veteran actress Jaya Bachchan said, Shah Rukh Khan's Happy New Year is the most nonsensical film she ever saw in the recent times when she participated in the literature festival in Mumbai. “It is the most nonsensical film I’ve seen in recent years. I said that to the film’s lead actor as well. I watched it only because Abhishek was part of it. I told him he’s a great actor if he can act stupid in front of the camera like that,” said Jaya.
Don't know whether Jaya is conscious while making these statements or not but they might hurt SRK group. Though critics gave it a poor ratings, the film is still going strong in terms of collections. Happy New Year is inching towards Rs 200 crore club. However, the film failed to beat Salman Khan's Kick and Aamir's Dhoom 3.
A musical heist drama directed by Farah Khan, Happy New Year stars Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, Abhishek Bachchan, Boman Irani, Sonu Sood, Jackie Shroff and Vivaan Shah.
(AW: Vamshi)