It is raining biopics in Bollywood. After Bhaag Milkha Bhaag and Mary Kom, the directors in Bollywood are showing more interest in bringing the life a legendary personality to the silver screen. Shortly we reported that director Anurag Kashyap will be making Kishore Kumar biopic which will have Ranbir Kapoor in the lead and now we might witness another biopic in the future.
Akshay Kumar is all set to reprise the role of PC Sorkar in the his biopic which would be directed by Soumik Sen, who last made 'Gulaab Gang.' Protul Chandra Sorcar popularly known as PC Sorkar is a well known Indian stage magician from the 1950s and 1960s. His most famous act being the floating lady routine
The Rowdy Rathore hero has been balancing and doing experimental films quite commonly and we have to see how will handle a biopic as he will be seen a inspiring character for the first time.