'Tevar' actor Sonakshi Sinha has dances with Salman Khan in the 'Bigg Boss 8', where she also interact along with Bigg Boss housemates. After Arjun Kapoor promoting 'Tevar' movie on Bigg Boss reality show last week, host Salman Khan also invited Dabangg actress Sonakshi Sinha. Rumors floated that Salman Khan has made Sonakshi break into tears during Arpita Khan wedding reception in Mumbai, as the actress denied such false reports.
After Quashing all rumors, Sonakshi Sinha has came, danced and spend some time along with Salman Khan, which shows the outstanding chemistry in between both the actors. ‘Tevar’ actress Sonakshi also visits the Bigg Boss house and interacts with contenders of the show. Meanwhile, she also has a special activity planned for the house inmates. According to sources Sonakshi has taken RJ Pritam Singh name as one of the favorites of all the celebrities who has visited the Bigg Boss house.
- Simha Raju