Siddharth Malhotra and Alia Bhatt are reportedly in a relationship with each other, where the couple has been moving closer than best friends. Alia meet Siddharth on the sets of filmmaker Karan Johar's super hit movie 'Student of the Year', which it was the debut movie of stars. Alia Bhatt has denied such dating rumors earlier, but she is looking very close to Siddharth from past year.
According to sources, Alia and Sidharth are in deeply love with each other, but the pair is looking very busy with their upcoming movies. Recently, Karan Johar hosted a party that the pair attend the bash together. Meanwhile, Alia has leave for London for her forthcoming movie shooting Shaandaar starring Shahid Kapoor and directed by Vikas Bahl.
However, the sizzling couple are in touch on phone calls. Siddharth has been working with Akshay Kumar, Jacqueline Fernandez and Jackie Shroff in his next movie Brothers, which it is being directed by Karan Malhotra.
- Simha Raju