(Image source from: in.news.yahoo.com)
First Arrest In Kerala's Pregnant Elephant Killing Case:- The whole country was left in deep shock after a pregnant elephant got killed in Kerala after it was fed with crackers stuffed pineapple. Social media burst out with outrage demanding stringent action against the culprits. Even the government of Kerala took things seriously and the investigation was on. A man was arrested for his involvement in the elephant said the Forest Minister of Kerala. This is the first arrest made in this case. The arrested man is said to be a rubber tapper and the search for others is currently on said the Palakkad district police.
The arrested man who is in his forties handled the explosives and assisted the others as per the report from the Chief Wildlife Warden Surendra Kumar. The elephant entered into a village near Silent Valley National Park in Pallakad and ate pineapple that is stuffed with firecrackers. The animal died on May 27th in a river. The villagers of this region often use firecrackers and other explosives to protect their fields. The horrific practice is widely condemned. The elephant struggled for over 20 days before it died on May 27th said, experts. The hunt for the other culprits is currently on.
(Video Source: ABN Telugu)