(Image source from: Twitter.com/AndhraPradeshCM)
Distribution of House Site Pattas in Andhra Pradesh Postponed:- The Andhra Pradesh government took things prestigiously for the distribution of house site pattas in the state. The big program was planned to commence on August 15th marking the Independence Day of the country. Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jaganmohan Reddy himself made an official announcement about the same. The process of distribution of house site pattas in the state was postponed for the second time considering the case that is pending in the Andhra Pradesh High Court. The AP Government decided to push the program as the court is yet to reveal their decision.
The distribution of house site pattas was planned to take place for Ugadi this year but was pushed to August 15th. The government said that there would be 30 lakh beneficiaries through this program. The program was pushed to BR Ambedhkar's Jayanthi and then it was moved to July 8th marking YS Rajasekhar Reddy's birth anniversary. The procurement of the sites got delayed because of which YS Jagan fixed August 15th as the final date. But now, the distribution of house site pattas is pushed to a further date. The officials say that the process may take place on October 2nd on Gandhi Jayanthi.