(Image source from: Sakshi.com)
AP Tenth Class 2022 Results Declared:- The Class Tenth results for the year 2022 in Andhra Pradesh have been scheduled to be announced on Friday but there was a delay due to the technical glitz. The results have been postponed for today and they have been announced today by the Board of Secondary Education. The results are announced at 12 PM and the students can check their results with their roll number on their official website bse.ap.gov.in. AP Minister Botsa Satyanarayana announced the results today. The SSC Exams 2022 are held between April 20th and May 5th. The spot evaluation was done from May 13th and the total students who appeared for the examinations are 6,15,908.
A total number of 4,14,281 students passed in the examinations. The supplementary examinations would be held from July 6th to July 15th this year. 797 students reported 100 percent pass percentage. 71 schools of AP reported zero pass percentage. The pass percentage among boys is 64.02 percent and the pass percentage in girls is 70.07 percent. Here is the process to check the results:
Go to the AP Board official website: bse.ap.gov.in.
Click on the 'AP SSC results 2022 Online Link'.
Enter roll number in the appropriate field.
Click on the submit button and log in.
The online BSEAP Manabadi AP SSC result 2022 marks memo will appear on the screen.
Save the mark sheet for future reference.
(Video Source: NTV Telugu)