A mom was so inspired by social networking sites, especially the microblogging network, Twitter that she decided to name her child Hastag. She made the announcement on her Facebook account, ironically. (Would this count as #fail?)
The first name of the mother who posted the arrival of her sunshine with a picture of the baby wrote “Hashtag Jameson was born at 10 oclock last nite. She weys 8pounds and I luv her so much!!!!!”
A friend on her account replied “Aww babes you finally had youre Tweetybird xxx”.
The typo-galore post became a viral phenomenon on the internet whilst evoking mixed responses. Most people thought the name was bizarre while others thought it was a typo. A few others, very few at that, were of the opinion that the name was very sweet and trendy.
This could be completely true and intentional since we have already seen babies being named Facebook, Eh and Moo.
We are skeptical if the baby would be called # and the baby girl's reply would begin with @mom to any question asked within 140 characters. What troubles us more is the horror the child has to bear throughout her childhood with such a bizarre name.
(AW- Anil)