High class societies, teenagers and few others generally take few things as prestige and smoking Marijuana is one such. But after taking knowing few facts about it, I think no one would ever dare to go for it again.
After a survey, it was known that Marijuana makes a person behave in the following manner.
Firstly they loose control over the body and would love to indulge in few intimate relations, which might later to several other problems, might be health wise or personally disturbing the relations in the house if the intimate relation is illegal.
Next the IQ power will get reduced because of Marijuana. Even Marijuana was omitted at a time, the effect may get reduced, but not vanish completely. So its better to avoid it from the beginning, because always a prevention is better than cure.
Smoking Marijuana will never make you become an Athlete if your dream is so. It weakens the body in a step by step process.
The best thing is, till date, compared to other countries, smoking Marijuana is not that active in India. But when we are in a position to adopt many things from foreign countries, then no doubt this can also be influenced into the country in full length. Before those days come, it is better to know the effects of it and be away from the beginning.
By Phani