Electronics major Samsung Electronics Co has rolled out its updated version Galaxy S III smart phone into the Europe market on Tuesday. The company has expected that the latest version, which happens to be the third generation model is likely to receive better response than the previous version that rocked the markets and gave tough competition to even Apple iPhone.
The best of Galaxy S III is that it automatically dims and brightens its screen thereby saving the battery life. And wonder how it automatically dims? The phone was built with latest technology that tracks the eye movements of the user. Amazing right? Galaxy S III has hit stores in as many as 28 European and Middle Eastern countries.
Technical specifications:
Galaxy S III comes with Google’s Android OS (operating system). It has a 4.8 inch wide screen. It has got 8 megapixel rear camera and 1.9 megapixel front camera. This phone would support 3G as well as 4G network.
Lets wait and watch whether this new version would give a tough competition to other smart phone majors.