It is a case of burning the bridges before reaching other side. Congress MP Siricilla Rajaih was not offered any position by TRS president K Chandrasekhara Rao on his decision to leave Congress Party. As the Warangal MP wanted Warangal seat which was already promised to Kadiam Srihari who left TDP for joing TRS, KCR had to say no for that.
Rajaiah also said no for his entry to TRS party as he was not offered the way Manda Jagannadham and Vivek were offered two seats each. In the program of Akarsha by KCR, he offered two seats to the defectors but Rajaiah could not be accommodated. Although Rajaiah doesn’t want to join TRS now cannot go back to Congress either. The measure taken by KCR to strengthen his party doesn’t get affected by Rajaiah’s not joing TRS because the Congress has already lost him and the weakness of the Congress party is the strength for the TRS party.
His non retraceable step is bothering Rajaiah and he is blaming KCR for his use and throw behavior. One way he says that he has left Congress party for the sake of Telangana after giving a last dead line of 30th May to the Congress party high command to announce its stand on Telangana Statehood and it failed to do so. On the other hand he says that he was used and thrown by KCR and his betrayal has ruined his political career.
Out of the Telangana Congress MPs, only K Keshava Rao said that he does not want any power but will fight for Telangana. Jana Reddy clearly said that he will not leave Congress Party. Others who left the party got benefitted in TRS but only Rajaiah is left out and it is making him lament on this before his close pals.
Finally Rajaiah made up his mind and announced in the afternoon that he will not leave the Congress Party under any circumstances. But he reserved his decision till 4.00 pm. After 4.00 pm he announced his decision that he will be in the Congress Party and fight for Telangana as it is the only party that can do justice to Telangana. That is how it is a happy ending for Rajaiah now.