Andhra Pradesh has bagged its big deal as Hero Motocorp has decided to set up its factory in the state. This is a milestone for the Telugu Desam government which is nearing its 100 days governance. APIIC's 600 acres have been granted to Hero motors by AP government in Chittoor district. Many states were in line to get Hero industry to their region but it was the efforts of TDP ministers who were constantly in touch with the management of Hero motors and listed their terms and conditions for the setting up of factory.
Impressed by the exemptions offered, Hero finalised AP state and after formal discussions, TDP government sanctioned 600 acres to Hero. With Rs 2200 crores, Hero will set up factory and through this 10,000 locals will get employment. For the needs of South Asia, Hero will be manufacturing two wheelers from this plant and is expected to deliver 18 lakh units every year.
ISUZU starts production
Japan's ISUZU started its production from the Sri city plant and from next year it will be delivering four wheelers. With a budget of Rs 3,000 crores, ISUZU had set up this plant and is expecting to deliver 50,000 vehicles every year. ISUZU wants to double the production from the fourth year and so it also wants to expand its plant.
Overall, AP government is attracting industries in whatever way it could.
(AW: Vamshi)