Mass Looting in Chicago: 100 People Arrested:- The Chicago cops exchanged fire after a mob of hundreds of looters rammed into Chicago's Luxury Commercial district on Monday. They looted the stores and smashed windows. The clash went on for hours after which the Chicago cops started firing. Over 100 people are arrested in relation with this case. Police Superintendent David Brown responded saying that the incident is 'pure criminality'. Mayor Lori Lightfoot sought distance in the incident after the May 25th Minneapolis incident created a sensation. The Chicago cops said that this is not a protest and it was a crime.
13 officers got injured in the incident and a civilian, security guard were struct in the gunfire. The images and videos that surfaced on social media showcase the storefronts bashed and damaged completely. People are spotted fleeing into the stores with arms taking away the goods. The incident took place in Magnificient Mile. A 20-year-old was nabbed but he fled after opening fire on an officer. The youngster was shot and he is currently in hospital. The police sent 400 officers to bring the situations under control. A man was arrested with a cash register. The incident took place for 12 hours and over 100 culprits are taken into custody.
(Video Source: WGN News)