Physical Inactivity likely to be admitted in hospitals for Coronavirus
April 14, 2021 16:53
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Physical Inactivity likely to be admitted in hospitals for Coronavirus:- The coronavirus pandemic left an unforgettable impact in the lives of the people across the globe. The lifestyle and the daily habits of the people are altered as most of them had to stay at their homes because of the pandemic. As per the study conducted by the researchers of the University of California San Diego, all the coronavirus patients in USA who are inactive from the past two years are more likely to be admitted to hospitals. All these inactive people are admitted in intensive care and some of them are even dead as they had no physical activity from the past few months. The study is published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine and it said that physical inactivity is a risk factor for coronavirus.
The researchers said that all those who are inactive physically have a stronger risk for coronavirus outcomes after they are infected. They may get admitted into hospitals based on their risk factors except for age and having a history of organ transplant told the researchers. On the whole, the study told that the physical inactivity is the strongest risk factor among the people with other risk factors including diabetes, smoking, obesity, hypertension and other health issues related to heart and cancer. The researchers compared the outcomes of 48,440 adults in between October last year and January this year. The average age of the patients was 47 with two-thirds of them are women. More than half of them had no underlying conditions like diabetes, kidney diseases and issues related to the heart.
The study found that the people who are physically inactive more than twice a week are admitted in hospitals than those who were on a physical activity for 150 minutes in a week. 73 percent of such patients got admitted to ICU.