Ambedkar statues

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  • Groups clash, Tension in East Godavari., dalit leaders call for bandh in e g dt, Ambedkar statues

    Dalit leaders call for bandh in E.G.Dt 24 January 2012

    Clashes over the desecration of B R Ambedkar statues in Amalapuram town on Monday saw the whole town as a battle place when two groups clashed with each other. The brawl saw stones and soda bottles strewed across on, all...

    Keywords: Tension in Kona Seema, Tension in Kona Seema, Bandh in Amalapuram, Statues desecrated

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    destruction of Ambedkar statues, Ambedkar statues, sabitha warns of strict action against ambedkar statue destroyers, Ambedkar statues

    Sabitha warns of strict action against Ambedkar statue destroyers 27 January 2012

    Home Minister Sabitha Indra Reddy said today the officials have already collected some evidences against the people responsible for the demolition of Ambedkar statues at Amalapuram and Dhavaleswaram in the East Godavari district in the last few days. She said...

    Keywords: Group of ministers in Amalapuram, destruction of Ambedkar statues, destruction of Ambedkar statues, Ambedkar statues

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    destruction of Ambedkar statues, destruction of Ambedkar statues, violence erupts in amalapuram over destruction of ambedkar statues, Ambedkar statues

    Violence erupts in Amalapuram over destruction of Ambedkar statues 23 January 2012

    Police authorities today clamped section 144 in the Amalapuram town of East Godavari district after two groups clashed over the destruction of the Ambedkar statues.  Groups began fighting each other after two Ambedkar statues were found destructed at two places...

    Keywords: Ambedkar statues, destruction of Ambedkar statues, destruction of Ambedkar statues, Ambedkar statues

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    Amalapuram incidents, Amalapuram incidents, jupudi arrested in hyderabad during protest, Ambedkar statues

    Jupudi arrested in Hyderabad during protest 24 January 2012

    Protesting against the destruction of Ambedkar statues in Amalapuram in East Godavari district on Monday, Dalit leaders and MLCs organized a demonstration at the Ambedkar statue on Tank Bunk in Hyderabad disrupting the traffic today. Police arrested YSR Congress MLC...

    Keywords: Amalapuram incidents, Amalapuram incidents, Amalapuram incidents, Protests over demolition

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    Ambedkar statues, Attacks on Ambedkar statues, attacks on ambedkar statues continue unabated, Ambedkar statues

    Attacks on Ambedkar statues continue unabated 01 February 2012

    Unscrupulous elements continued their attacks on the Ambedkar statues in the state inviting the wrath of the Dalith organizations and SC leaders. While a chappal garland was found on the Ambedkar statue in the Jalalpur village of Nizamabad district, the...

    Keywords: chappal garland on Ambedkar statue, destruction of Ambedkar statues, Ambedkar statues, destruction of Ambedkar statues

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    destruction of Ambedkar statues, Protests over demolition, jupudi arrested in hyderabad during protest, Ambedkar statues

    Jupudi arrested in Hyderabad during protest 24 January 2012

    Protesting against the destruction of Ambedkar statues in Amalapuram in East Godavari district on Monday, Dalit leaders and MLCs organized a demonstration at the Ambedkar statue on Tank Bunk in Hyderabad disrupting the traffic today. Police arrested YSR Congress MLC...

    Keywords: destruction of Ambedkar statues, Amalapuram incidents, destruction of Ambedkar statues, destruction of Ambedkar statues

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    Ambedkar statues in Amalapuram, Ambedkar statues in Amalapuram, 3 arrested for destruction of statues, Ambedkar statues

    3 arrested for destruction of statues 28 January 2012

    Amalapuram police today arrested three persons allegedly responsible for the destruction of Ambedkar statues. Based on the information given by them, the police recovered the statues from an agricultural well near Amalapuram. Police said one Mr Gandham Pallam Raju, the...

    Keywords: Gandham Pallam Raju, Gandham Pallam Raju, Ambedkar statues, Ambedkar statues

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