• greenhouses, Earth, green moon by 2015, Antarctica

    Green Moon By 2015 30 November 2013

    How do you like green plants on moon? Wonderful! Thought so, but you cannot see them from earth.  Moon will look the same from earth even if forestation happens there. NASA of United States wants to grow plants on moon...

    Keywords: Moon environment, green plants on moon, Earth, greenhouses in Antarctica

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    N Sri Raghunandan Kumar, Europe, partial lunar eclipse will be visible tomorrow night, Antarctica

    Partial lunar eclipse will be visible tomorrow night 24 April 2013

    Arousing a feeling of interest, the first of the three lunar eclipses of the year will occur tomorrow, giving astro enthusiasts all over the country an opportunity to witness the celestial event. According to N Sri Raghunandan Kumar of Planetary...

    Keywords: Lunar eclipse, Africa, Partial lunar eclipse, Asia

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    Penguins, Stony Brook University, breeding cycles of penguins affected by global warming, Antarctica

    Breeding cycles of Penguins affected by global warming 23 March 2012

    Global warming is adversely affecting the Antarctic occupants and Penguins in particular. Scientists believe that the climate adversity has had its toll on the breeding cycles of the species. The researches were conducted by using a combination of field work...

    Keywords: Chinstrap, Heather Lynch, global warming, Gentoo

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    meteorite, Brussels, large meteorite found by scientists in antarctica, Antarctica

    Large meteorite found by scientists in Antarctica... 01 March 2013

    International scientists say they've discovered an 18-kilo meteorite in eastern Antarctica which is the largest to be found in that area in 25 years. Moreover, today the Brussels-based International Polar Foundation said that the meteorite is an "ordinary chondrite," the...

    Keywords: meteorite, scientists, Antarctica, meteorite found in Antarctica

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    Marine Protected Areas, Antarctic sanctuary, antarctic sanctuary proceeding experiences failure, Antarctica

    Antarctic sanctuary proceeding experiences failure 01 November 2013

    The delegates at multi-nation talks explained that definite purpose to create two immense ocean sanctuaries in Antarctica to safeguard the uncorrupted wilderness fall short of success on Friday. It's been  for a third time accompanying Russia and China blocking the...

    Keywords: Marine Protected Areas, CCAMLR, Marine Protected Areas, CCAMLR

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