Barack obama india visit

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  • Obama Modi Kurta, Raakesh Agarwal, modi s fashion touch, Barack obama india visit

    Modi's fashion touch 27 January 2015

    The US President Barack Obama's presence at the Republic Day celebrations is the talk of the town but one man tried his level best to steal the show from Obama. Well, he his none other than Indian Prime Minister Narendra...

    Keywords: Barack Obama India visit, Modi Kurta, Narendra Modi suite, Jade Blue

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    Nawaz Sharif, Indian Republic Day, obama to join republic celebrations, Barack obama india visit

    Obama to join Republic celebrations 22 November 2014

    US President Barack Obama will be witnessing the Indian Republic Day celebrations on January 26th 2015, when he will be on an official visit to the country. This is the first time a US President will join the Republic Day...

    Keywords: Nawaz Sharif, Indian Republic Day, Nawaz Sharif, Kashmir

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