• grade A onions, onion supply, onion prices fall steeply supply excess, Excess

    Onion prices fall steeply, supply excess 05 April 2013

    Only a month or two ago, prices of Onion were so dear that the restaurants were at losses and households decided to cut down the intake of the most essential ingredients of their food. The prices were soaring high at...

    Keywords: onion prices, onion prices, grade A onions, onion supply

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    Excess ‘Facebooking’ can make your kid mentally sick, Social media linked to poor health of kids, social media linked to poor health of kids, Excess

    Social media linked to poor health of kids 24 July 2015

    If your kid is spending more time on social media, then he or she may be at risk of developing poor mental health, high psychological distress and even suicidal thoughts. The paper appeared in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behaviour, and Social...

    Keywords: how facebook effects kids health, Long hours on social media causes mental health, how social media effects kids health, how facebook effects kids health

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    Hyderabad Rains pictures, Hyderabad Rains pictures, hyderabad receives excess rainfall during this season, Excess

    Hyderabad Receives Excess Rainfall During This Season 20 August 2020

    Hyderabad Receives Excess Rainfall During This Season:- Hyderabad, the capital of Telangana recorded a staggering 20mm of excess rainfall during this monsoon season. The records are analyzed as per the rainfall from the period of June 1st to August 19th....

    Keywords: Hyderabad Rains updates, Hyderabad Rains videos, Hyderabad Rains latest, Hyderabad Rains

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    while traveling, drink water, excessive thirst while traveling, Excess

    Excessive thirst while traveling? 30 April 2013

    At times you may feel extremely thirsty during extended travel where you are bound to have a shortage of water which you need to use judiciously. For example consider trekking, hiking or biking, you need to have water too often...

    Keywords: shortage of water, while traveling, small quantity of water, small quantity of water

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    Aerobic exercise can lower excessive sleepiness, Exercise can help reduce excessive sleepiness, exercise can help reduce excessive sleepiness, Excess

    Exercise can help reduce excessive sleepiness 13 August 2015

    Are you feeling sleepy at work even after getting adequate sleep at night? Researchers found that daily aerobic exercise can reduce daytime sleep disorder among depressed individuals.According to latest research, exercise reduces levels of two proteins in your body, resulting...

    Keywords: Exercise can help reduce excessive sleepiness, Exercise can help reduce excessive sleepiness, Exercise can help reduce excessive sleepiness, Daily aerobic exercise can avoid sleepiness at work

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    Healthy Living, exercise, why excessive dieting is a bad idea, Excess

    Why excessive dieting is a bad idea 02 July 2013

    Women across the world have always battled with weight problems. It is a known fact that women are under continual pressure to look thinner. However, many resort to harmful methods of losing weight. Reasons for these trials could range from...

    Keywords: eating healthy, brink of starvation, Healthy Living, Dieting

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    food, Salt, how to remove excess salt from food, Excess

    How to Remove Excess Salt From Food 14 June 2016

    Preparing a yummy dish for lunch! Oops added more salt to your dish! Now what to do?Here are some tips to remove excess salt from food...- You can add 2-3 tbsp of yogurt or malai (fresh cream) - Coconut milk...

    Keywords: remedies, Salt, food, Salt

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    pollution, Deforestation, after heat it is wind now, Excess

    After heat it is wind now 29 May 2013

    After the heat waves it is the turn of the wind blowing and rain to disrupt normal life in the State. A huge tree in front of GHMC office in Hyderabad fell down due to wind and some two wheelers...

    Keywords: Deforestation, huge tree, due to wind, Traffic in Hyderabad

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    health effects of caffeine, limit drinking coffee, excess amount of coffee could damage your health, Excess

    Excess amount of coffee could damage your health 29 May 2015

    Coffee has many health benefits. But consuming more amount of caffeine may damage your health, according to a new study.The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) said single doses of up to 200mg of caffeine from a range of sources such...

    Keywords: caffeine disadvantages, more caffeine may harm your health, health effects of caffeine, limit drinking coffee

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    home remedies to keep hairfall at bay, hairfall tips, tips to prevent hair fall, Excess

    Tips to prevent hair fall 23 July 2015

    Have you noticed strands of hair coming along with your comb or down the drain when you wash your hair? Is this stressing you out? Then here are some simple home remedies that will help you to prevent hairfall. Aloe...

    Keywords: Ways to prevent excess hairfall, home remedies to keep hairfall at bay, hairfall tips, how to prevent hairfall

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    salt intake problems, WHO recommended dose of salt consumption, high salt intake delays puberty, Excess

    High salt intake delays puberty 19 May 2015

    Salt is the basic ingredient in Indian cooking. It gives special taste to the recipe. But changes in the salt content may result in many health problems. A recent study has revealed that having excess dietary salt may result in late...

    Keywords: excess dietary salt side effects, salt intake problems, higher amount of salt consumption, disadvantages of high sodium consumption

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    excess rainfall, IMD reports in Telangana, fresh heavy rains in hyderabad, Excess

    Fresh Heavy Rains in Hyderabad 18 August 2023

    Fresh Heavy Rains in Hyderabad:- According to the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), Hyderabad is expecting fresh rains from August 18th due to the low pressure in the Bay of Bengal. IMD has issued yellow alerts in various parts of the...

    Keywords: excess rainfall, Rains in Hyderabad, Hyderabad rains, Hyderabad rains

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    nerve disorder because of B6, excess of vitamin K, side effects of consuming more multivitamins, Excess

    Side-effects of consuming more multivitamins 10 November 2023

    Side-effects of consuming more multivitamins:- Consuming multivitamins or exceeding the subscribed limit of multivitamins has harmful side effects. While vitamins are essential for our well-being and for maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle, there are harmful side effects too. Relying...

    Keywords: Hypervitaminosis, side effects of excess Vitamin B6, side effects of excess vitamin intake, Consuming vitamins

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    Green Tea health benefits, Green Tea, side effects of drinking excessive green tea, Excess

    Side Effects Of Drinking Excessive Green Tea 06 July 2022

    Side Effects Of Drinking Excessive Green Tea:- Anything doing over the limit will damage the health. Maintain the right diet and work out well to have a long life. Most of them end up eating or drinking so much and...

    Keywords: Green Tea latest, Green Tea news, Green Tea, Green Tea advantages

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    break up, harmful to the relationship, are you the obsessive girlfriend, Excess

    Are you the obsessive girlfriend? 07 June 2014

    Are you constantly worried that your boyfriend or partner is cheating on you or is about to leave you? You could be one of those women who is obsessed with her boyfriend. Do a self check if you are not...

    Keywords: Are you the obsessive girlfriend, signs of an obsessed girlfriend, love and relationship news, break up

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    drinking excessive water news, drinking excessive water, drinking too much water can create health issues, Excess

    Drinking too much Water can create Health Issues 05 July 2021

    Drinking too much Water can create Health Issues:- Drinking water is good for health but drinking excessive water is not good for health. This is confirmed as per a study which says that drinking excessive water leads to low blood...

    Keywords: Drinking water, drinking excessive water health updates, Drinking water, drinking excessive water leads to

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    EHRA EUROPACE 2013, Professor Andreas Goette, beware of excessive colas, Excess

    Beware of excessive Colas! 27 June 2013

    A new study has revealed that bingeing on too much cola drinks can knock you out of your senses and send your heart beat in a tizzy. Strange, but true! Drinking too much Cola can cause unusual syncope (fainting), researchers...

    Keywords: fainting, fainting, Beware of excessive Colas, Cola

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    mental stress side effects, Mental stress can increase physical fatigue, mental stress might be the reason behind physical fatigue says study, Excess

    Mental stress might be the reason behind physical fatigue, says study 01 August 2015

    According to a study performed by the Indian origin scientists, it was revealed that mental stress can increase physical fatigue. Ranjana Mehta, assistant professor at the Texas A&M Health Science Centre School of Public Health, evaluated the interaction between physical...

    Keywords: Mental stress might be the reason behind physical fatigue, Mental stress might be the reason behind physical fatigue, Excess brain work may cause physical fatigue, mental stress side effects

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    side effects of health benefits, Excess Vitamin A intake has negative consequences, excess vitamin a disturbs immune system study revealed, Excess

    Excess Vitamin A disturbs immune system, study revealed 02 July 2015

    A new study revealed that intake of Vitamin A above the normal level will shut down the body’s trained immunity and opens door to infections. The findings suggest that supplementation of the vitamin above and beyond normal levels may have...

    Keywords: Too much vitamin A intake disrupts immune system, Too much vitamin A intake disrupts immune system, side effects of health benefits, how immune system effected by vitamin A

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    Skin drying winters, Skin drying winter updates, tips to prevent excessive skin drying, Excess

    Tips to Prevent Excessive Skin Drying 16 December 2022

    Tips to Prevent Excessive Skin Drying:- Winters make the skin dry because of the cold. Dry skin, eczemas, rashes and allergies are very common during the season. Patients of diabetes and thyroid face issues during the winter season. Dr Sneha...

    Keywords: Skin drying latest, Skin drying winters, winter Skin drying news, winter Skin drying news

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