Be young for a long time... 06 December 2012
We all love to look and be young forever... well, this is not possible so we tend to delay all those signs of aging as much as possible... we use all those beauty products, spend on special treatments, and do...
Keywords: womens health, skin beauty, skin and body, gain weight
Read MoreGaining weight during pregnancy? 16 November 2011
We have bought up and most of us are even living in such a atmosphere where a thought of ‘Eat a lot, eat everything you can during pregnancy, for a healthy baby’, has been inculcated in our minds. And we...
Keywords: pregnancy women health, gain weight pregnant women, pregnancy women health, tips for gain weight
Read MoreSome more add on’s for your better health 11 January 2013
Transforming your life is a healthy way to lead a good life style. Apart from all the health tips you know and follow these are some more health tips that can help you lead a better life style; No matter...
Keywords: healthy diet, better eating, walking, eat healthy
Read MoreSleep 30 minutes less, gain weight 07 March 2015
Losing as little as 30 minutes of sleep per day on weekdays can have long-term consequences for body weight and metabolism, new research has found. People who accumulate sleep debt during weekdays and make up for loss over the weekend...
Keywords: Sleep, Diabetes 2, Diabetes 2, Shahrad Taheri
Read MoreKnow How To Gain Weight Healthily? 19 July 2022
Know How To Gain Weight Healthily?:- Most of the Indians have no clarity about how to cut down the weight and how to gain the weight through healthy ways. A percentage of people who have no concern about weight loss...
Keywords: Weight Gain breaking news, Weight Gain health, Weight Gain health, Weight Gain breaking news
Read MoreUnbelievable but true 26 February 2013
Yes this mind sound very weird and UN believable as well, but it is proven that if you stand for 3 hours in a day, you will reduce 4 kgs in a year. No exercise and nothing. Just standing and...
Keywords: coffee, walking, coffee, gain weight
Read MoreHow to Gain Weight 29 January 2011
1 Set all realistic goals and make realistic targets to gain around ½ - 1 kg per week which is easy to achieve. This has to be done by including approximately 6 caloric dense meals in a day instead of...
Keywords: how to gain weight, how to gain weight, how to gain weight, how to gain weight
Read MoreFor a fit and healthy YOU 03 December 2012
Work tension, day to day pressures, last moment tensions, busy life style… exercise keliye time kahaan? Well, this is the best way to escape from work out. But, for a healthy and happy life style, you being fit and fine...
Keywords: gain weight, calories, morning walk, body fitness
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