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  • Telangana Government on parking fees, parking fees in Telangana, no more parking fee in telangana malls, Multiplexes

    No More Parking Fee In Telangana Malls 21 March 2018

    No More Parking Fee In Telangana Malls:- The Government of Telangana issued orders to wipe off the parking fee across the commercial outlets which include shopping malls, multiplexes and other commercial establishments. With several cases registered related to parking and...

    Keywords: Telangana malls, Telangana multiplexes, parking fees in Telangana, Telangana Government on parking fees

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    Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation, Areas public gather, post bengal fire hyderabad to gear up safety measures, Multiplexes

    Post Bengal fire: Hyderabad to gear up safety measures? 13 December 2011

    Prevention is better than cure the watch word that has been put into practice by the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC). GHMC has given a month's time to all hospitals big and small, government and private, to initiate fire safety...

    Keywords: Areas public gather, AMRI hospital, flaunting the basic norms, Areas public gather

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    indian cinema multiplexes, multiplexes in hyderabad, multiplexes changed cinema concept, Multiplexes

    Multiplexes changed Cinema concept! 12 February 2013

    Indian Cinema with special reference to Telugu Cinema has always had a glorious past. Right from movies such Pather Panchali to Shankarabharanam, there were many movies that won critical acclaim across the globe. Slowly the cinema trend slipped from such...

    Keywords: multiplexes indian cinema, multiplexes indian cinema, indian cinema multiplexes, 25 days super hit

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    Pawan Kalyan updates, Pawan Kalyan updates, no sardaar gabbar singh in multiplexes, Multiplexes

    No Sardaar Gabbar Singh in multiplexes! 07 April 2016

    While Sardaar Gabbar Singh advance bookings for the weekend is already at the closing stage in the single theaters, it is not yet opened in the multiplexes. Indra films, Sardaar Gabbar Singh distributor, is keen on collecting the advance payments...

    Keywords: Tollywood gossips, Pawan Kalyan updates, Pawan Kalyan updates, Sardaar Gabbar Singh no multiplexes

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    tickets of Rebel, IMAX, multiplexes attract rebel fans, Multiplexes

    Multiplexes attract Rebel fans 26 September 2012

    Tickets are open for Prabhas starrer Rebel, which is going to hit theatres this Friday. In Nellore, tickets at a multiplex theatres were sold within three hours thereby setting a new record. The cost of these tickets were said to...

    Keywords: Rebel release, Rebel, Rebel, tickets of Rebel

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    illegal, illegal, let us not ruin the iconic hussainsagar, Multiplexes

    Let us not ruin the iconic Hussainsagar! 21 January 2013

    After a string of swank eateries and an amusement park, it is a modern multiplex that has come to haunt the dying' Hussainsagar. In fact, a petition seeking clearance for the project, which could further shrink the iconic water body,...

    Keywords: illegal construction in hyderabad, hussainsagar lake, modern, modern

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    Hyderabad Multiplexes, Hyderabad Multiplexes new, hyderabad multiplexes raided and booked for violating rules, Multiplexes

    Hyderabad Multiplexes Raided And Booked For Violating Rules 02 August 2018

    Hyderabad Multiplexes Raided And Booked For Violating Rules:- Telangana Government issues a strict order to all the shopping malls and movie plexes to sell the packaged food and drinks at Maximum Retail Price (MRP) after it received thousands of complaints...

    Keywords: Hyderabad Multiplexes latest, Hyderabad Multiplexes latest, Hyderabad Multiplexes raided, Hyderabad Multiplexes raided

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    multiplexes, iconic, let us not ruin the iconic hussainsagar, Multiplexes

    Let us not ruin the iconic Hussainsagar! 21 January 2013

    After a string of swank eateries and an amusement park, it is a modern multiplex that has come to haunt the dying' Hussainsagar. In fact, a petition seeking clearance for the project, which could further shrink the iconic water body,...

    Keywords: hussainsagar lake, illegal, iconic, supreme court

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    Indian theatres occupancy, Indian theatres footfalls, multiplexes open to poor business in india, Multiplexes

    Multiplexes open to poor business in India 06 November 2020

    Multiplexes open to poor business in India:- The entire nation is under lockdown for months and the Centre issued unlock rules. As a part of Unlock 5.0, the Centre allowed the reopening of theatres across the country from October 15th....

    Keywords: Indian theatres updates, Indian theatres latest updates, Indian theatres updates, Indian theatres updates

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    Maharashtra updates, Maharashtra coronavirus, maharashtra to reopen theatres and swimming pools from tomorrow, Multiplexes

    Maharashtra to Reopen Theatres and Swimming Pools from Tomorrow 05 November 2020

    Maharashtra to Reopen Theatres and Swimming Pools from Tomorrow:- Maharashtra is the most impacted state in the country because of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Though the Centre granted permissions to reopen theatres, multiplexes, swimming pools and other sports-based offerings, it...

    Keywords: Maharashtra government announcement, Maharashtra, Maharashtra news, Maharashtra government announcement

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    film ticket prices shot, hike of movie tickets, tickets prices to touch sky, Multiplexes

    Tickets prices to touch sky 07 December 2012

    What it's called as good news to film producers and distributors has apparently become a bad news to movie lovers. The movie ticket prices would be doubled in 2013. Currently the price is  somewhere around Rs. 55 for a balcony...

    Keywords: increase in ticket prices, film ticket prices shot, weekend movies, movie prices hiked

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    Marathi films, dadagiri, shiv sena defends dadagiri against shobha de, Multiplexes

    Shiv Sena defends 'Dadagiri' against Shobha De 09 April 2015

    In a direct attack against Shobha De for opposing mandatory screening of Marathi films, Shiv Sena on Thursday said had Bal Thackeray not done “dadagiri” to preserve Marathi culture, her forefathers would “have been born in Pakistan” and she would...

    Keywords: dadagiri, dadagiri, Marathi films, Shobha De

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    Vijayawada, Vijayawada, 4 imax screens 40 multiplexes vijayawada to be spicinemas 500cr, Multiplexes

    4 IMAX screens, 40 multiplexes: Vijayawada to be SPICinemas - 500Cr 01 October 2016

    SPI Cinemas is a leading player in the entertainment industry with brands such as nds such as Sathyam, Escape and Palazzo, is gearing up to do something gigantic in Vijayawada. In the new State of Andhra Pradesh, it's going to invest as...

    Keywords: SPICienmas, IMAX, SPICienmas, Vijayawada

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    Movie theatres opening, Movie theatres updates, movie theatres to reopen from august 1st, Multiplexes

    Movie Theatres To Reopen From August 1st? 17 July 2020

    Movie Theatres To Reopen From August 1st?:- After the arrival of coronavirus outbreak, the entire nation has been shut for over two months. All the fields are badly hit and the entire nation is left in a financial crunch after...

    Keywords: Movie theatres latest, Movie theatres updates, multiplexes reopening, multiplexes reopening

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