No difference in cigarettes and meat 20 June 2015
A meat is tasty when cooked well, delicious when smoked well. But horrible, as there are heavy chances of leading to cancer through such smoked meat.In fact, not only meat, any kind of smoked food has the chances of leading...
Keywords: smoked meat, health tips, cigarettes, smoked meat
Read MorePassive smoking may cause infertility in women 04 June 2015
According to a study conducted at the Wilmot Cancer Center in US, the women exposed to second hand smoke are 68 per cent more likely to face fertility problems and can also suffer miscarriage.The study was carried out in...
Keywords: infertility reasons, smoking causes infertility in women, infertility reasons, infertility reasons
Read MoreMint-flavoured cigarettes cant' be easily given up 24 July 2013
United States (US) regulators on Tuesday brought into prominence a review of scientific data that revealed the fact that menthol cigarettes are harder to quit than regular kinds, at the same time asked for public input on a possible ban....
Keywords: fda, mint-flavoured cigarettes cant' be easily given up, mint-flavoured cigarettes cant' be easily given up, public health risk
Read More6.25 Lakh Children Smoking In India Daily 17 March 2018
6.25 Lakh Children Smoking In India Daily:- The usage of tobacco seems not to be coming down in the country. It may be shocking but a study says that 6.25 lakh children have been smoking in India and their age...
Keywords: Global Tobacco Atlas, cigarette smoking, cigarette smoking, tobacco chewing
Read MoreTips to Get Smokey Glowing Eyes 19 July 2019
Tips to Get Smokey Glowing Eyes:- Golden smokey eyes is a dream for every girl. If you are a hidden punk side, here are some of the tips for you to do a simple golden smokey eye for any special...
Keywords: Smokey Eyes updates, Smokey Eyes latest, Smokey Eyes next, Smokey Eyes latest
Read MoreKarnataka bans on sale of smokeless tobacco! 31 May 2013
Earlier we found 25 States along with 5 Union Territories to rise against banning sale of smokeless tobacco. In addition to it presently the Karnataka Health Minister U.T. Khader was known to have announced on Friday at the World No...
Keywords: bangalore news headline, world no tobacco day, no smoking, gutka ban
Read MoreSmoking leads to innumerable diseases 18 January 2014
The list of diseases linked to smoking has increased, according to a new report published by the US surgeon general. The research-based report, containing 980 pages, states smoking to be associated with diabetes, liver and colorectal cancer, erectile dysfunction, ectopic...
Keywords: study on smoking, Smoking leads to innumerable diseases, health news, study on smoking
Read MoreAviation Minister Ashok Gajapathi Raju confess carrying matchboxes on flights 07 April 2015
In clear violation of rules, Civil Aviation Minister Ashok Gajapathi Raju , a chain smoker, carries matchboxes with him on flights since he is not subjected to frisking. Raju made this confession during his address at the Bureau of Civil...
Keywords: NDA ally, Civil Aviation Minister Ashok Gajapathi Raju, NDA ally, Chain Smoker
Read MoreIs your office making you smoke? 24 September 2012
Do you belong to the cult of office smokers? If yes, then the news is bad. Your office might be the topmost reason why you smoke. According to many experts, workplace smoking impacts the smoking habit of employees, and not...
Keywords: , smoking habit of employees, , smoking habit of employees
Read MoreAll You Need To Know About Secondhand Smoke 18 July 2020
All You Need To Know About Secondhand Smoke:- Tobacco is filled with several harmful substances such as benzopyrene, lead, carbon monoxide arsenic and formaldehyde. Smoking is quite injurious to health and those who do not smoke too get exposed to...
Keywords: Secondhand smoke latest, Secondhand smoke latest, Secondhand smoke new updates, Secondhand smoke latest
Read MoreSweet boxes with nude CDs! :Morning Wishesh 17 December 2012
Hi...... Good Morning..........Dzień dobry Hi again we are back with a Polish Good Morning. Hope you enjoyed the week ends. However in the metros it was a splendid time in the morning. Getting ready for the new year bash...Pretty bad...
Keywords: Sweet Boxes with Nude CDs, thought for the day., Cyclone Evan in FIJI, Congress state meet turns chaotic
Read MoreNew rehab for cigarettes? 14 May 2013
Generally, most people who try to quit smoking try joining some groups and try to get some counselling to prevent further damage. But when nothing seems to work, only extreme measure should be taken. A woman from US state of...
Keywords: smoke cigarettes, smoke cigarettes, smoke cigarettes, deputy sherrif
Read MoreHMR for safety measures 21 May 2013
Always latest happenings get latest techniques to comply with latest rules. Old railway constructions also made the public safety an important thing but more focusing was done on the service and the protection for railway property. As a latest addition...
Keywords: Hyderabad Metro Rail Managing Director N.V.S.Reddy, fire service teams, Metro Rail at Uppal and Miapur Depots, Director General of Fire Services S.V.Ramana Murthy
Read MoreSmoke Scares Travelers 05 November 2013
Smoke from engines are making the travelers shake from fear after the incident of fire broke in the Volvo bus that gutted entire bus and made 45 passengers char to death in Mahaboobnagar district. The normal belief as per the...
Keywords: smoke in Seshadri express, smoke in Bokaro Visakha express, Bokaro Express train Accident at Vizag, Volvo Bus burnt Mahaboobnagar
Read MoreBreastfeeding tied to stronger lungs, less asthma 25 October 2012
Kids who were breastfed as babies may have better lung function, and a lower risk of asthma, than those who were formula-fed, two new reports suggest. Researchers said that past studies have found conflicting results when it comes to the...
Keywords: Babies, Babies, Less Asthma, Kids
Read MoreWill smokers read warnings on tobacco packs? 05 May 2016
News: Bigger warnings on tobacco packs nowI doubt whether any smoker, has that time to look at the pack and read all the theory on it, before smoking. By Phani Ch
Keywords: Funny Jokes, Jokes, Aging Jokes, Funny Jokes
Read MoreWhite smoke, black smoke 14 March 2013
Habemus Papam, We have a pope! These are the lines we have been hearing since yesterday from when the conclave ended. We all know that Jorge Mario Bergoglio has been elected the 266th Pontiff after the shocking resignation of Pope...
Keywords: secret smoke recipe, potassium perchlorate, white smoke, potassium perchlorate
Read MoreTalking cigarette packets may help smokers 01 July 2013
Smokers may soon have to listen to annoying advice from their cigarette packets to quit the habit. A group of researchers from the UK have created packaging that plays recorded messages every time it is opened. One packet suggests a...
Keywords: Smoking Reduces fertility, Cigarette smoking, Cigarette smoking, Talking cigarette packets
Read MoreWhite smoke in Vatican; Jorge Bergoglio elected pope 14 March 2013
Habemus Papam! We have a new Pope, a Bishop to lead Rome. Jorge Bergoglio of Argentina was declared the Pope on Wednesday after the white smoke was cast into the sky from the Sistine Chapel. This also make him the...
Keywords: papal elections conclude, conclave, new pope elected, conclave
Read MoreSecondhand smoke ruins your baby’s teeth 23 October 2015
When you are well aware that smoking is injurious to health, you might have also been aware of second-hand smoking, which is also injurious. Now on the same subject, the fresh study proved that, your second hand smoke ruins your baby’s...
Keywords: smoking teeth relation, smoke, secondhand smoking, smoking teeth relation
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