Are your parents, friends, kith and kin after your life to get hitched? Well, don't let their desires influence your decision. You should only marry when you think you are ready for commitment. We help you understand if you are ready for the big leap. Read on.
You've found your Mr/Miss Right
The quest for marriage always begins with the search for the right mate. Often we come across people who we instantly click with and know that this is the person you would want to spend the rest of your life with. If you have found someone in your life, then there is no point delaying things.
You love spending time with him
Love spending time with him/her. If you are in such complete awe of your partner, then it's only right that you make your bond stronger buy getting married. Then you can have him/her for the rest of your lifetime.
Do you see him as your partner in the future?
If he/she fits your bill to the T, then you have hit luck. If he/she fits all/most of your checkboxes, then it's time to cement the bond further by a trip down the aisle.
(AW: Suchorita Choudhury)