Legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar who is also an avid cricket fan, who fasted during the length and breadth of the high-voltage semi final match of India against Pakistan praying for India’s victory, told a national news agency that she was eager to see India winning the cup and Sachin scoring his 100th century in the finals against Sri Lanka on Saturday.
“I am praying for our team’s victory and for Sachin to score his 100th century,” she said.
The world famous septuagenarian singer said that the master blaster was like her son and did not eat or drink during the nine-hour nail-biting semi final thriller.
“I watched the match with some tense moments. All members of my family go superstitious whenever India plays. I, Meena and Usha neither ate nor drank anything during the semifinal match. We prayed for our victory and ate after India had won,” Lata told the agency.
Recalling the 1983 World Cup final, Lata said she was in London attending a music concert and was eager to watch the final after Kapil’s boys won the semi-final against England.
“I had invited the boys to my hotel for dinner and wished them best of luck and after that our team created history,” she said without hiding her emotions. “After creating history by winning the finals, Kapil Dev invited me for a dinner with the Indian team in London. I went there and congratulated the players,” she said.