India's star all-rounder Yuvraj Singh has made some shocking statements, saying that he may have played his last International match and may not play for the country again. Yuvi was dropped from the ODI team after a poor tour of South Africa in December 2013 and was widely criticised for his go-slow innings in the final against Sri Lanka this April.
Yuvi said his opportunity to make to the squad of playing 2015 World Cup lies in his performance in the upcoming Duleep Trophy, the Ranji one-dayers. The man of the tournament of 2011 World Cup said, it will be an awesome comeback, if at all it happens and If it doesn't happen, life goes on, and it will be hard to accept, but I'll have to accept it.
These are quite disappointing statements from Yuvraj as he is just 32 years old and has the capability to play for the country for another three to four years.
(AW: Vamshi)