The anticipatory bail application of the leading Tollywood producer Singanamala Ramesh, who is said to be very close to Bhanu Kiran, the suspected killer of the faction leader Maddelacheruvu Suri, was rejected by a Nampally criminal court today.
Ramesh was questioned thrice by the Hyderabad Central Crime Station (CCS) sleuths with regard to his closeness and links with Bhanu. Fearing arrest by police, he petitioned the court seeking anticipatory bail.
It may be mentioned that police booked cases against Ramesh and another producer C. Kalyan on complaints lodged by some film financiers that the producers have threatened them with dire consequences in financial dealings.
Film financier Vyjayanthi reddy lodged a complaint with the CCS police that Ramesh owed him Rs. 7 Cr but has threatened to kill her family members when she demanded her money back. Some more financiers also lodged complaints with police against him and Kalyan for alleged intimidation and threatening.