Powerstar Pawan Kalyan is one actor who is in huge demand and his unbeatable craze has been bringing stupendous craze for his films despite of director and the cast. He is shooting for his next movie titled Katamarayudu which is getting ready for Ugadi release. Kishore Pardasani is the director and Shruti Haasan played the female lead in this romantic family entertainer. Katamarayudu is the remake of Tamil film Veeram.
As per the update, the satellite rights of Katamarayudu have been sold out for Rs 12.5 crores which is huge. Popular channel Gemini TV acquired the rights and the entire shoot of the movie will be wrapped up this weekend. Anup Rubens is the music composer and North Star Entertainments is bankrolling the movie. Katamarayudu is all set for March 24th release.